
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Popcorn on the Stove

Why don't people tell jokes about popcorn?
Because the jokes are so corny.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the grocery store hungry (never a good idea) and got a craving for some popcorn.  I went to the aisle...AH! Sooooooo many brands!  How to choose?  Then, I thought about comparing the prices and was surprised by what I found.

Buying just a bag of popcorn kernels (like 30 servings) is the same price of 1 serving of microwave bag popcorn.  That is a RIDICULOUS difference!  Is popping your own popcorn so difficult, that you should be paying 30 times the cost?

So, I set to find out.  Let's make some Popcorn people.

Here's what you need (for 1 big'ol bowl):
1/3 cup of popcorn kernels
2 tablespoons of vegetable or canola oil
a 3 quart or so pot with a lid
whatever you want for seasoning: salt, pepper, parmesan?, olive oil? etc. etc.    

Get out 1/3 cup of popcorn kernels.

Place a 3 quart pot (remember you need a lid) on the stove with 2 tablespoons of vegetable or canola oil in pot.

Drop in 3 kernels.  Place heat at medium high.

Cover and wait for one of the kernels to pop.  Once a kernel pops, pour in the rest of the kernels (1/3 cup). Shake around.  The kernels will start to pop (its really really fun to watch through a glass top; I might have been giggling out loud).  Keep shaking with the lid on until you hear the popping stop.

Once the popping stops, tilt the lid off so the steam escapes.

It's so fluffy!

Dump into a bowl.

Add seasoning to taste.  I added a lil olive oil spray, salt, pepper, and Parmesan cheese.  Add a little bit, stirrrrr it up, then add more if needed.

Needless to say, it was devoured.

When did we all get so lazy regarding making our own popcorn?  Making your own stove top popcorn is incredibly easy and gives you control of what is added to it (or not added to it).  I am thinking about cocoa popcorn next time...

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