
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter Egg Rice Treats

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
It has been nice gnawing you.

 My sister came over the other week to make cookies and mini cheesecakes (which I still need to post pictures for!), and left the most wonderful leftovers.  Rice Krispies and Mini M&M's.  So, I thought I would make some Easter themed treats.

Here's what you need to make Easter Egg Rice Treats (for 6 large eggs):
3 tablespoons of butter, plus 2 tablespoons
8 oz of mini marshmallos
4 cups of Rice Krispies
egg shape cookie cutter/ egg shape cardboard cut out and a knife
wax paper
wooden spoon

Either buy some Iciing or make your own:
1-3 tablespoons of milk
2-3 cups of confectioner's sugar
1-2 drops of vanilla
food coloring

Optional toppings:
mini M&M's
colored sprinkles

Get your pan out, and line with wax paper.

Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a pan with high-ish sides.

Conjure up your inner Paula Deen (love her) as you watch the glorious butter melt in the pan.

Man.  That was awesome.

Moving on.  Add 8 oz. of mini marshmallows to the pan.

Stir with a wooden spoon. Allow to melt into the smooth butter. Making goodness...

Get smooth and bubbly, and then get ready for your arm workout.

Cut the heat.  Pour buttery-marshmallowy hotness over 4 cups of Rice Krispies and get to stirring (work those arms!).

Once stiff and fully incorporated, get ready to dump onto baking sheet lined with was paper.


Press Flat.  Hands work best.

Does not have to be perfect, cause you're gunna do cut outs.

Let cool (doesn't take long).  Transfer whole thing (including wax paper) onto a cutting board.  Then, cut out desired shapes, and place on clean wax paper.

Make your own icing, or use some from the store.  Quick icing: whisk together 2 tablespoons of butter, 1-2 drops of vanilla, 2-3 cups of confectioners sugar, and 1-2 tablespoons of milk.  Drop in some food dye if you desire pretty colors (a little goes a long way!).

Put icing in plastic bags, close up and trim a small corner off the bottom so you can pipe away.

Get your gear ready for some decorating.

OOOOooooo, colors!

Try your hand at some flowers.

Plate up and enjoy!


  1. Does this mean that I get an easter basket this year?

    1. Of course!

      Make sure you leave me out some carrots.
